Day 124: Do Not Wait To Strike Till The Iron Is Hot But Make Hot By Striking.

If I sit around waiting for inspiration to strike, odds are I won’t accomplish much today.

Why? Inspiration is a whim I can’t control.

What I can control are my decisions and my actions as the result of those decisions.

This goes back to integrity, which I define as:

Doing what I know I need to do, when I know I need to do it, whether I feel like it or not.

And here’s the strange thing about living in that integrity.

When I show up and begin, it’s incredible how often inspiration miraculously shows up too.

Fortune favours the bold.

So does inspiration.

When you show up and do what you must, you practically force inspiration to show up too.

Try it. I dare you. 😁

#Inspiration #Integrity #TakeAction #Power

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