Day 32: Silent Gratitude Isn’t Much Use To Anyone

“Thank you” is such an automatic response that it’s lost all value. It’s lost all sincerity.

To honestly express gratitude requires effort. It requires action of some kind so the receiver of your expression of gratitude can feel your sincerity deeply.

My challenge to you today?

Write a thank you letter to the last person who did something awesome for you without any thought or expectation of receiving something in return.

Mail it to them or, if they’re local, hand-deliver it to their home without their knowledge. If you hand it to them, you’re expecting something in return. That’s not the point of this exercise.

Do this every day for 30 days and see how it changes your life. Because it will change your life.

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✅ Like and share this with your family, your friends and the people you care about most

2 thoughts on “Day 32: Silent Gratitude Isn’t Much Use To Anyone

    1. Thanks John! I’m very grateful for your offer of assistance.

      At the moment, the best way to help is to like and share the videos with your family, your friends and the people you care about most, and ask them to follow me on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. That’s how we grow this movement.

      I will have some other ways you can assist in the near future, and will contact you privately about those.

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