Day 115: Some people want it to happen some wish it would happen others make it happen.

Sports icons like Michael Jordan teach the rest of us what commitment really looks like. They teach us what excellence looks like.

And, if we look beneath the surface of their incredible feats, these amazing humans show us a work ethic that terrifies us.


Because we simply cannot imagine being that passionate, that committed, to achieving our own success.

But we should be.

Michael Jordan isn’t special. He’s an ordinary human, just like you and me.

What separates him and others like him from the rest of us “mere mortals” is his commitment to achieving his goal.

NOTHING will stop him. Nothing.

He refuses to allow it.

Achieving excellence isn’t hard.

Make a decision.

Follow your decision with courageous action.


And don’t quit until you get there.

#Excellence #Persistence #Commitment #Dedication #WorkEthic #MakeItHappen

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