Day 117: The Wise Will Admire You – The Wishful Will Envy You – The Weak Will Hate You – This Is The Reality For Those Who Dare To Be Epic.

The comfort zone is where all our dreams go to die. It’s where every hope and aspiration for our life is snuffed out.

Daring to be epic means stepping out of our comfort zone, forgetting what anyone else thinks or says about us, and doing the thing we know we must do to achieve our dreams.

And when we dare to be epic, amazing things happen for us. We impact the world with our awesomeness. Maybe in big ways, maybe in small. But we make an impact. We matter.

And that’s why we push beyond the comfort zone into that place that terrifies us, the only place our dreams can come to life.

#DareToBeEpic #ComfortZone #BeCourageous #FulFilledLife #Challenge #SideHustle

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