Day 20: A Good Coach Will Make His Players See What They Can Be Rather Than What They Are.

A Good Coach Will Make His Players See What They Can Be Rather Than What They Are.
-Ara Parseghian

A coach is someone who helps you achieve your dream. That dream can be small – I want to lose 25 pounds in six months – or huge – I want to earn $25,000,000 by December 31st.

Parseghian’s quote shows how to find the right coach FOR YOU.

A great coach shows you what’s possible with your skillset, mindset and abilities, then builds a plan to achieve your dreams and, most importantly, works with you to implement the plan and shortcut the time required to achieve it.

That’s the value of a great coach.

Anyone can teach you the skills.

Where a great coach proves their value is in showing you how to tweak your mindset, your attitude and build the skills required to bring out the very best in you.

For example, a million people can teach you how to write a book. It’s simple.

But a great coach will make sure you understand every twist and turn of Publication Highway so you don’t lose your way or waste precious time on things that don’t help you.

A great coach also shortcuts your learning curve so you can achieve your dreams faster and easier.

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