Day 44: I Attribute My Success To This: I Never Gave Up Or Took An Excuse

To live a deeply fulfilled life, we must do four things.

1. Make a Commitment with a Deadline.

“I will accomplish X by Y date.”

That’s a commitment.

2. Be Courageous

Face our fear, uncertainty and doubt about what we don’t know how to do and step out of our comfort zone.

3. Develop Capacity

New skills are required to do things we’ve never done before. Approach learning them with joy.

4. Confidence

Confidence comes from stepping out of our comfort zone and overcoming challenges. Even when we’re terrified. Especially when we’re terrified.

Embrace perseverance and tenacity. Never give up on your dream.

Embrace integrity. Never make an excuse for or accept one from anyone else.

What steps are you taking today to live your ideal, fulfilled life? Please share in the comments. I’d love to hear!

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