Day 66: Go the Extra Mile. It’s Never Crowded.

It doesn’t take much to stand out from the crowd. It really doesn’t.

Just do one more thing than you want to do today, one more thing than you think you are capable of today, and be amazed by your forward progress.

Your family and friends will ask you how you do it? How do you get so much accomplished every day?

Don’t tell them.

Let them believe you know some mystical secret they don’t.

And keep going that extra mile each day.

Everyone gets tired. Everyone gets worn out. Everyone wants to take a little longer break.

You aren’t everyone.

You have a mission, a dream to fulfil.

You’ll take a longer rest when the dream is fulfilled. Until then, the only thing on your mind is how you can push yourself a little further than you went yesterday. One mile further, to be specific.

Soon, you will laugh as others are amazed by what you’ve done.

Because the answer is so simple anyone can to it.

But most don’t. Most won’t.

As Jerry Rice said, “Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t.”

Once you complete your mission, once you turn your dream into your reality, then you can tell your family and friends the super-secret mystical answer they thought they were missing.

Then encourage them to do it too.

Because that’s what a leader does – encourages others simple because it’s the right thing to do.

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