Day 78: As we’re liberated from our own fear our presence automatically liberates others.

I love that quote because it encourages me to stop being afraid and start living in courage.

And the best part is the “why.” Because of the impact my living fearlessly and courageously will have on others.

The simple act of my living my day fearlessly and courageously could make you less fearful and more courageous tomorrow.

How beautiful is that?

And it’s so simple to do.

1. Make the decision to act courageously and fearlessly.

2. Follow that decisions with the actions required to behave fearlessly and courageously.

3. Repeat.

I have the power to shut off the negativity.  So do you.

When I focus on turning my dreams into reality, I’m happier.  So can you.

When I’m grateful for all these abilities I feel far more fulfilled. So will you.

#Fearless #Courageous #Purpose #Focus

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