Each breath I take is a reminder of my blessings

Day 11: Each breath I take is a reminder of my blessings.

The primary antidote to fear is gratitude. It’s also the very best foundation upon which to begin our day, every day. Never before have we lived in a world so filled with fear, shame, isolation and division – all sown deeply by every level of government and most media outlets. That’s why it’s so critical…
There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. -Beverly Sils

Day 10: There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.

No matter the dream is for your life, your job or your family, unless you win the lottery, there are no shortcuts to turning your dreams into reality. It takes hard work. It takes consistent, daily work, to be specific. The benefit of this hard work every day is that you build up a chain…
Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow. -Anthony D'Angelo

Day 9: Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.

Never in human history has access to information been easier. We live in a miraculous age where we can literally learn anything we want to learn from the comfort of our own homes and our mobile devices. What’s your dream for your life? What do you need to learn and implement in your life to…
The willingness to show up changes us. It makes us braver each time. -Brené Brown

Day 8: The willingness to show up changes us. It makes us braver each time.

Not quite correct. Willingness to show up, combined with the action we take as a result of our willingness – that’s what makes us braver each time. We can’t just be willing. We must act on our willingness if it is to do us any good at all. We all have days where we aren’t…
“Act as if what you're doing today makes a difference, and keep doing whatever that is until you see proof of it in your world.”

Day 7: Act as if what you’re doing today makes a difference, and keep doing whatever that is until you see proof of it in your world.

Having a long-term vision for turning your dreams into your reality makes it so much easier to take the small, daily steps required to accomplish it. Commitment. Diligence. Grit. Persistence. It takes guts to make a commitment and then keep the daily appointments with yourself that are the tangible, actionable steps you must take. Consistent…